VID Minor 2020

In this website, you will find a collection of projects that I worked on during the Visual Interface Design Minor. With a section about developing my own illustration and animation style.

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Indexical sign

The eggshells are an indexical sign. And here it becomes an indication of birds. Documentation link -


“For once, the dark side saves the planet”

Pastiche: Imitation of a well-known image. This image might be an imitation of the paintings of Jesus Christ when he holds the lost sheep. Not to imitate that Darth Vader is Jesus, but to say that the earth and people are lost and they have to go back to the right side. To protect the planet. Documentation link -


"Sexism in children's toys"

Agreement: Similarities between the boys toys are blue and the girls toys are pink. There is also a color match between the girls toys and the text on the poster. Documentation link -